Sunday, March 3, 2019

Describe how John Steinbeck Essay

Similarities atomic number 18 used as well as the secernate of characters. (Candy and his dog) By equivalentning the dog to Candy, and Candy to the dog, an atmosphere which is created leads to one of the either important(p) themes of the book, the Ameri so-and-so Dream. The atmosphere itself helps us encounter more about the action of the pissers, where there is tension betwixt workers watched him uneasily, and where it is a genuinely feral world, I aint much good. As previously custodytioned, savage, light and sound imagery can be used very effectively to portray a certain atmosphere, besides there ar also other words Steinbeck uses to help him in this creation.Fumed can show anger in a character, making an atmosphere all different to sighed. The description of the bunkhouse at the beginning of chapter both, we can see all the techniques used by Steinbeck to create atmosphere. The light images of sunlight, bright dust-laden bar highlights, where things allow h appen later on in the report card. The plain words like unpainted help to create an atmosphere, describing the bunkhouse. References to sound, flies shot in uses onomatopoeia and creates case like the beginning of the book.Finally, adding characters to the bunkhouse, Stoop-shouldered gives the imagery of the bunkhouse and its roughness and an image of the tiredness of the men. using the imagery of light and sound, he sets the scene, then giving it life and dealings to the reader using animal imagery, giving u the feeling you are there in the story watching what is happening. He finishes the effect by adding certain people into certain situations, Steinbeck has created an interesting story line and the representation George and Lennies relationship has worked out.Animal imagery is used to describe the characters, hardly also their movements, which give us an idea of the overall atmosphere. Steinbeck has an amazing office to create atmosphere. From the very start of the story you can tell that Lennie and George are very poor by the clothes they wear and they do not pass on backpacks they are carrying bindles with very little possessions in. Also they have to light up and eat the baked beans they have with them out of the tin as they do not have a saucepan or tin opener between them. This gives you a very good idea to how the two men are used to living.Loneliness affects all the characters, this is portrayed very well by Steinbeck and how the loneliness is making the characters life difficulter. This is due to the fact they neer have a job for long enough to make permanent friends. You never find out much about the other characters as Steinbeck focuses on george and Lennie constantly, solely you do learn that they are all passing game by dint of the same and you find out the main characteristics of all the characters. Violence plays a large part through the story, mainly linked to Curley and Lennie. Curley made many threats to lennie and does eventu ally go through with what he is saying.The job at the gap the two men have taken on is very bad and Steinbeck describes this very well by using phrases such as hard enough work to bust a gut. The bunkhouse they are staying in on the ranch is in very bad condition and the firm place is dirty and disgusting showing how bad conditions for men during those age were and what people would do just to get a bit of money. As the story develops u discover why the two men are there in the first place. George, the more mature of the two men looks after Lennie and you get the economic crisis that Lennie needs a lot of jump and isnt capable of doing things on his own.Lennie has an obsession with soft furry things but due to his strength suffocates the mouse he gets, and this plays along throughout the story. The two men are dependent on each other but George tries to not show this to anyone. Lennie is very childish and is often referred to as having animal characteristics. When the two men arrive at the ranch and first see the boss Lennie is told to be quiet, first u do not understand why but is eventually made clear, if he spoke he may of lost the two men their jobs due to an incident at the previous place.Lennie does not realise his own strength and gets himself in a lot of trouble. He seems to have difficulty sagaciousness simple instruction manual and its George who always has to help him out of trouble. Parts of the story give you the impression that George can get very annoyed and uncomfortable with Lennies union and at several points threatens to leave him on his own and they will not live the American Dream. The dream is one of the ways the two men combat their loneliness, by having the dream in their minds it makes them have faith and apply for the future instead f just giving up.Lennie uses the dream as something that keeps him going and he often asked George to repeat it when he is feeling go through and unloved. Their American dream was to get enoug h money to move on and start a new life just like Lennie wanted, on a farm with rabbits (soft). We find out that Lennie has feelings for Curleys wife and that when he gets close to her in the barn he manages to break her neck when he panics as she started to scream as he wouldnt let go of her because her hair was soft.Lennie is very vulnerable to the outside world and has no understanding of the world and whats going on around him. Steinbeck describes him very well, as he does George. You get the feeling of the emotions these two men are going through to get through life. It is a very good story and gutter Steinbeck is a very good author. 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