Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Objectives Of Cisco Networking

The Objectives Of Cisco Networking Welcome to the Cisco Networking Academy program! This is the first of four courses designed to provide classroom and laboratory experience in current and emerging networking technology, and to help prepare for certification as a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). This curriculum presents a comprehensive overview of networking; from fundamentals to advanced applications and services. It is based on the top-down approach to networking that is popular in many colleges and universities. The course emphasizes concepts and skills required to design networks, while providing opportunities for practical application and hands-on experience by teaching students how to install, operate, and maintain networks. II. ADVISORY PREREQUISITE CIS 120, CIS 190, A+ Certification, or one year industry experience. III. COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES This course introduces the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and other computer networks. It uses the OSI and TCP layered models to examine the nature and roles of protocols and services at the application, network, data link, and physical layers. The principles and structure of IP addressing and fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations are introduced to provide a foundation for the curriculum. Labs use a model Internet to allow students to analyze real data without affecting production networks. Packet Tracer (PT) activities help students analyze protocol and network operation and build small networks in a simulated environment. At the end of the course, students build simple LAN topologies by applying basic principles of cabling; performing basic configurations of network devices, including routers and switches; and implementing IP addressing schemes. By the end of the course, students will achieve the following objectives: Given a LAN/WAN configuration scenario, students will be able to: Describe the basic concepts of how data networks and the Internet support business communications and everyday activities. (a, b) Describe the basic networking processes used to communicate across Local Area Networks, Wide Area Networks and the Internet. (a,b) Operate basic networking devices and services used to support communications across an Internetwork. (c,d) Describe the layers of communications in data networks using the 7-Layer OSI and the 4-LayerTCP/IP models. (a,b) Describe the role of protocols in data networks. (a,b) Describe the importance of addressing and naming schemes at the following OSI Data Link, Network and Application layers. (a,b) Describe the protocols and services provided by the Application layer in the OSI and TCP/IP models. (a,b,d) Describe the functions and features of the Transport layer protocols and services. (a, b) Describe the functions and features of the Network layer protocols and services. (a,b) Describe the fundamental concepts of routing that occur when a packet is forwarded from its source to its destination across multiple networks. (a,b) Design, calculate, and apply subnet masks and IP addresses to meet network design requirements. (c,d) Describe the operation of the OSI Data link layer protocols by explaining how data link frames communicate between networking devices. (a,b) Describe how the OSI Physical layer protocols and services transfer data bits across data networks. (a,b) Describe fundamental Ethernet concepts such as media, services, and operation. (a,b) Apply basic cabling techniques to connect various types of networking devices to meet prescribed network design topologies. (c,d) Build a simple Ethernet network using routers, switches, and network hosts. (c,d) Establish local and remote terminal connections to Cisco Networking devices using Terminal Emulation programs. (c,d) Use Cisco CLI commands to configure and verify basic router and switch operation. (c,d) Analyze the operations and features of common Application layer protocols such as HTTP, DNS, DHCP, SMTP, Telnet, and FTP.(a,b,d) Use common network utilities to verify local area network operation and analyze data traffic. (c,d) Method of Evaluation (Measuring Student Learning Outcomes with Representative Assignments) Chapter exams that measure each students ability to define and appropriately use networking technology concepts and terminology to describe networking processes, protocols, functions and features. Comprehensive final exam that measures each students ability to synthesize and apply course concepts to a variety of networking scenarios. Comprehensive skills exam that measures each students ability to practically apply network, design, configuration and hardware connectivity techniques to LAN environments. Lab exercises that require students to apply course concepts and skills in order to implement LAN solutions, compute IPv4 network addressing to network problems defined by the instructor, and connect and configure LAN devices. IV. TEXT, MATERIALS AND ONLINE WEBSITE Cisco Network Academy Website: Instructors Website: Blackboard: Network Fundamentals course: Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide ISBN-10: 1-58713-208-7, ISBN-13: 9781587132087, Publication Date: October 2007 Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide ISBN-10: 1-58713-203-6, ISBN-13: 9781587132032, Publication Date: October 2007 Recommended Texts (not required) Not required as you are encouraged to print all of the assigned labs directly from the assignments listed in Blackboard. Materials Removable media (thumb drive, floppy) A sectioned three-ring binder with paper for note taking V. COURSE SPECIFICS Attendance This Self-paced open entry-open exit program requires students to complete a minimum of 48 classroom hours in the presence of an Instructor to meet academic standards. Self-paced education places additional responsibility on the student for success. Irregular attendance and lack of participation are key factors in determining poor student performance. The greater the amount of time and effort applied by the student, the greater the opportunity for success, rapid advancement of knowledge, and advancement through the program. Students will be expected to manage their attendance with the goal of completing at least one Cisco Semester during a Cuyamaca College Semester. Higher goals of completion are very possible and will be supported. If you have questions about recommended progress rates, please ask the instructor for guidance. Dropping the Class It is your responsibility to withdraw from class. All students who are enrolled at the end of the course must be given a letter grade. Students who stop attending and do not officially withdraw will be receiving an F. See the IMPORTANT DATES section below for drop deadlines. A W cannot be awarded after the Last day to drop CIS 201 deadline. Assignments Assignments for the class are divided into the following groups: Reading Assignments (Cisco Netacad or textbook) The material for this course is available on the Web. The reading assignments should be completed before the beginning of class. Most students will spend and average of ten hours per week reading the material. Some chapters may take more than one reading to understand. Students are responsible for all terms and concepts in the chapters covered. On-Line Module Exams (Cisco Netacad) All exams are administered online, and enabled only after the topic has been completed. There are ten (10) online module exams and a comprehensive final exam. Module exams can be taken at any location (home, work, school) but may not be repeated. The comprehensive final must be taken at school during normal class hours. Subnetting Practice tests (Blackboard: Assignments: Chapter Folders) Subnetting is one of the most important skills to acquire in the first semester of Cisco. Subnetting is also a skill that requires a lot of practice to master. There will be short subnetting practice test in Blackboard for each chapter. Students may take each practice test up to 2 times with the highest score used for final grading. Students are responsible for seeking additional help from an Instructor or Tutor if their test result is not satisfactory Labs and Packet Tracer Activities (Blackboard: Assignments: Chapter Folders) The hands-on labs are an important part of the Academy. Students may work together in small groups. Content for the skills-based final will be directly drawn from lab assignments, worksheets, and other course material so understanding lab assignments is an important part of passing the course. You are encouraged to complete as many additional labs as you wish as well as working all of the interactive labs found in the curriculum. Labs and Packet Tracer Activities submitted after the corresponding module exam has been attempted will not be graded. Additionally, Labs and Packet Tracer activities submitted more than two weeks after the corresponding Chapter lecture has been presented will not be graded. Contact the instructor of record to arrange any adjustments regarding Lab and Packet Tracer deadlines prior to deadline date. Skills-Based Final, On-Line Student Survey, On-Line Final Exam (Cisco Netacad) A skills-based final and an on-line final exam will be administered the end of the course. The online final exam will be comprehensive and all students must pass the online final and the skills-based final to pass the course (both Skills Based final, and Online final require 60% or above for passing), to be eligible for CCNA2. All labs, on-line chapter tests, and the skills-based final must be completed before you may take the online comprehensive final exam. The online comprehensive final may be repeated once for scores below 60% on the first attempt, however, the average score between the two attempts will be used in final grade calculations for grades submitted to Cuyamaca. Due to the number of students and the resources required for the skills based final, students will be required to schedule a time to take their skills based final. A sign-up matrix will be posted 1 week prior to the skills based finals. Cisco requires that the CCNA 1 on-line survey is completed before receiving a grade in the course. Incomplete grades are not allowed. Grades will be assigned as follows: Domain % Points Grade INSTRUCTIONAL FACILITIES Online Chapter Exams 10 93.4 100 A Classroom Subnetting Worksheets Tests 15 90.0 93.3 A- Laboratory Labs and Packet Tracer Activity 25 86.7 89.9 B+ Personal computer for each student Final Exam (comprehensive Skills Based) 25 83.4 86.6 B Appropriate course software Practice Final 5 80.0 83.3 B- Final Exam (Comprehensive Online) 20 76.7 79.9 C+ 70.0 76.6 C 60.0 60.9 D F IMPORTANT DATES Please refer to the appropriate official Cuyamaca College document to insure compliance with any College deadline. Spring 2010 Semester January 25, 2010 to June 1, 2020 February 5 Last Day to Receive a Refund for Semester-Length Classes February 12 15 Holiday (Presidents Day Weekend Friday, Lincoln Day Monday, Washington Day) March 29 April 2 Spring Recess April 23 Last Day to Drop Semester-Length Classes MAY 13 10:00 pm All Labs, Packet Tracer activities, and Subnetting practice tests due MAY 20 10:00 pm All Skills Based Finals must be completed MAY 25, 26, 27 Comprehensive Online Final Examination Days Must be completed by 10:00 pm May 27 Spring 2010 CIS 201 Schedule Week CCNA 1 8 week Schedule Chapter Reading 16 Week Schedule Chapter Reading Labs Packet tracers due (Thursdays 10pm) Additional topics 1 8 Week schedule 16 Week schedule Binary and Introduction 2 1 2 1 Binary Conversion Addition 3 3 4 2 Binary Combinations 4 5 6 3 1 2 1 Network Addressing 5 7 8 4 3 4 2 Subnetting 6 9 10 5 5 6 3 Subnetting 7 11 6 7 8 4 Subnetting 8 7 9 10 5 Subnetting 9 8 11 6 VLSM 10 9 7 VLSM 11 10 8 VLSM 12 11 9 VLSM 13 10 VLSM 14 All Assignments Due 11 15 Skills Based Finals 16 Online Finals

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